7 days Cambodia Adventure

Day 1: Siem Reap

We rise at dawn to embark on our journey to the majestic Angkor Wat, the largest religious building in the world. This 12th-century temple, a symbol of Khmer pride and strength, captivates with its perfect blend of symbolism and symmetry. As we explore the intricate bas-reliefs that stretch for nearly a kilometer, we unravel tales of Hindu mythology and the glories of the Khmer empire. Ascending to the upper levels of the sanctuary, we experience the steep final steps leading to the sacred heart of Angkor Wat, where spirituality and symmetry converge in an awe-inspiring manner.

In the afternoon, we venture into the immense walled city of Angkor Thom, an architectural masterpiece by King Jayavarman VII. The staggering scale of the city leaves us in awe as we approach its gates. The causeway adorned with a captivating bridge depicting the Churning of the Ocean of Milk sets the stage for our exploration. We begin at the Terrace of the Leper King, originally thought to represent a leprous ruler but now believed to depict Yama, the god of death. Continuing along the Terrace of Elephants, once a grand viewing gallery, we reach the resplendent Baphuon Temple, meticulously restored and open to visitors.

Our ultimate highlight is the enchanting Bayon Temple, located at the center of Angkor Thom. Its iconic 54 towers, crowned with the serene faces of Avalokiteshvara, exude both power and compassion. We unravel the mysteries of the bas-reliefs, portraying ancient battles and snapshots of everyday life during the Angkor period, before embarking on a climb upward. The night is spent in a hotel. (Breakfast is included)

Day 2: Siem Reap - Battambang

After breakfast, enjoy a free morning in Siem Reap. If Angkor is calling you back, consider getting up early to catch the sunrise. Later, you'll travel to Battambang, Cambodia's second-largest city. Battambang (pronounced Battambong) is a charming riverside town known for its French elegance, Khmer people, and beautifully preserved architecture.

Our first stop is at Ta Brak village, where we will stroll through the picturesque countryside village. Along the way, we will stop to meet the local community and observe whatever seasonal activities are happening, such as rice planting, weaving thatch roofs, planting or harvesting vegetable crops, and making fish traps.

Next, we will continue our rural Cambodia tour with a visit to Tonle Sap Lake. We will drive past expansive rice fields and through local villages where rice and fish can often be seen drying alongside the road. Then, we will board a private wooden vessel for a boat trip along a canal leading to Tonle Sap Lake.

As we float along the canal, we will see houses on either side; depending on the time of our visit, the houses will either have immediate access to the water or stand perched on stilts high above the ground due to the annual rising and receding waters of Tonle Sap Lake, Southeast Asia’s largest lake. We
will see floating houses that move with the annual ebb and flow of the lake’s waters.

After the boat trip, we journey to the township of Battambang. Upon arrival, we take a leisurely walk to get acquainted with the town. Afterward, enjoy some free time. This evening, consider taking a stroll along the riverfront, where locals often practice yoga and folk dancing, and watch the sunset. We will spend the night in a hotel. (Breakfast and lunch are included)

Day 3: Battambang

Today, we'll venture on a bike tour to explore the countryside and learn about rural life. For those interested, there's also the option of joining a cooking class to try your hand at Khmer cuisine. Alternatively, you can visit the hilltop Wat Banan temple, offering breathtaking 360-degree panoramic views of the Sang Ke River. We'll return to spend the night at the same hotel. (Breakfast and lunch are included)

Day 4: Battambang - Chambok

Travel by private vehicle into rural Cambodia this morning, to the region of Kampong Speu and the village of Chambok. A member of the Chambok community will take you on a village walk when you arrive – chat about the community’s history, lifestyle and local ecotourism projects and meet the families you’ll be spending the night with. In the evening, head to the community centre to enjoy a local Khmer dinner prepared by some community members. You'll also be treated to a traditional dance performance. We sleep in a hotel. (Breakfast and lunch are included)

Day 5: Chambok - Kampot

Enjoy a leisurely day in this relaxed town. For a unique photo opportunity, visit the roundabout in the center of town, where a giant durian statue sits prominently. Then, perhaps browse for goodies at the covered market. The nearby countryside is also delightful to explore; amidst fields of Kampot pepper and rice, you'll discover a salt field and a limestone cave with a small seventh-century brick temple inside called Phnom Chhnork. We'll spend the night in the same hotel. (Breakfast is included)

Day 6: Kampot - Phnom Penh

Leave Kampot behind this morning and journey to Cambodia's capital city, Phnom Penh. Situated at the junction of the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers, Phnom Penh boasts fine examples of French-inspired architecture. During your free afternoon, you might consider visiting the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda. Wat Phnom, steeped in myth, is also worth exploring, along with the National Museum, renowned for its excellent Khmer collection.

Cyclo tours around the city offer a great alternative to walking, typically including stops at the art deco Psar Thmei (Central Market), the US Embassy, Wat Phnom, the Mekong riverfront, the Independence Monument, and the Royal Palace. We will spend the night in a hotel. (Breakfast is included)

Day 7: Phnom Penh

We begin our visit at the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda, the most sacred shrine in the country. Next, we continue to the National Museum, which is dedicated exclusively to Khmer art and sculpture. Most of the exhibits are from the Angkor period (9th to 15th Century), but some date as far back as the 4th Century. We then explore the legendary temple of Wat Phnom, which recounts the history of Phnom Penh’s name.

In the afternoon, we visit the Tuol Sleng Prison Museum. In 1975, Tuol Svay Prey High School was taken over by Pol Pot’s security forces and transformed into Security Prison 21 (S-21), which became the largest center of detention and torture in the country. S-21 has since been turned into the Tuol Sleng Museum, serving as a testament to the crimes of the Khmer Rouge. Afterward, we visit the Choeung Ek Killing Fields.

Between 1975 and 1978, about 17,000 men, women, children, and infants who had been detained and tortured at S-21 were transported to the extermination camp of Choeung Ek. Visiting these sites provides a deep insight into the painful, bloody rule of the Khmer Rouge. We spend the night at the same hotel. (Breakfast and lunch included)

Trip cost:

  • $896USD per person for a group of 2 to 8 people
  • $760USD per person for a group of 9 to 10 people

The cost of the trip includes: 

  • Tour guide
  • Meals
  • Purified drinking water
  • Accommodation
  • Transportation
  • Entrance fees
  • VAT and other taxes

The cost of the trip does not include: 

  • Travel insurance
  • Drinks (soft drinks, alcohol)
  • Personal expenses
  • Tips and gratuities

What to Bring:

Pack essentials including light comfortable clothes suitable for outdoor activities, comfortable hiking shoes. Take a small day pack for cycling, walking and hiking. It is essential to bring your passport on this trip. We also recommend packing: swimsuit, insect repellent, sun cream, raincoat and sun hat...

Have a great journey!!!


